domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

This is my first long text in English, I'm very realized about this!!!

The fashion it's around the world a good way of communication, and inside  this principle this world there is three forms, like: all the clothes magazines, factory of fabric and  development until clothes stores, where is possible to buy products of fashion.
Nowadays there is many magazines that sells a different kind of model for each market... You can choose your preference between magazines that have only fashion beach or for parties, used more for wedding, for example. The important is dressed very well and to keep your style.
 Those days that brazil made fabrics for kind all  clothes, doesn't have more...because the importation from China it's each time more commom this country. Because to make fabric in Brasil it's very expansive so stays more easy to import and only to seam in Brazil, or to import totally seamed and only to sell by here.
 Usually these clothes are sold at the big stores, and well localized in good access, usually inside mall.
 In my opinion actually this imported clothes kept a good quality and have a good price, both noted by clientes nowadays!!!


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